
The Yosemite Democrats are dedicated to advancing our party’s mission across the nation by advocating for progress and supporting the election of Democrats to state government, Congress, and the White House. We stand united by core beliefs: that we are stronger together, that our country thrives when everyone gets a fair shot, contributes their fair share, and adheres to the same rules. Our focus is on building an economy that benefits all Americans, not just those at the top. This is why Democrats are committed to making strides on critical issues like job creation, equal pay, education, health care, and clean energy.

Primary Goals of the Yosemite Democrats:

  • Promote awareness of Democratic Party initiatives.
  • Partner with local clubs for outreach, fundraising, and social events.
  • Support local and national candidates.
  • Increase membership and engagement.
  • Tackle climate change and embrace a clean-energy future.
  • Defend civil rights and expand opportunities for all Americans.
  • Foster dialogue with individuals holding diverse viewpoints.

Join the Yosemite Democrats or attend a meeting to experience our vibrant community and see how you can contribute to our mission!